Confirmed the release date of Digimon Survive in North America

In a new video released today, Digimon survives Kazumasa Habu producer revealed that the game will now be launched on July 29 in North America. Today's announcement follows yesterday's revelation from the release date of the game in Japan; Digimon survives will be launched a day before in the region. Fans have been patiently waiting for the launch of the game from their ad in 2018, and it seems that the end is finally visible. It remains to be seen if it will be able to be up to the years of exaggeration, but fans can discover it for themselves in just over two months!


In addition to the video, Bandai Namco also announced the release date of the game in North America on Twitter on a Tweet that also included several screenshots. That can be found in embedded below.

Digimon survives has been delayed several times in recent years, so fanatics were understandably happy to see the release date confirmed today. Some hope to see a collector edition, but nothing has been announced. Bandai Namco has the habit of throwing that kind of thing, so it certainly seems a possibility, especially if there is a significant demand.

While fanatics are excited to see Digimon survive finally released, Bandai Namco seems to be making plans for future games as well. In February, Habu said in Digimon with 2022 that the publisher is considering a new version or remastery of mundo digimon, the first game launched based on the brand. That game debuted in 1999 for the original PlayStation and has quite passionate followers. Since then, Bandai Namco has not made more ads, but the company has asked fans to share whether they prefer a new version or remastery. Hopefully the company has something to announce once. Digimon survives has been released!

Digimon Survive will be launched for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and PC. You can check all our previous game coverage here.

Are you excited to finally see Digimon survive? Would you also like to see a remastery of mundo digimon? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter in @marcdachamp to talk about everything related to games!
